Saturday, February 21, 2009

I Finally Get Twitter

I am finally understanding the obsession many have developed over I joined a while ago and have even posted a few tweets but only had a few followers and a few I was following. Little by little I am beginning to understand the unique appeal it offers for the followers and followed. Those quick little blurbs are concise and to the point – even if there is no point. It is a great way to share knowledge, ask for help, and get to know others.

It is not only socially fun but it is a great way to get your name out to others. You can search (at the bottom of your twitter home page) to find others that are of interest to you. Then, you can start following those you want to notice you. Usually people follow those that follow them, so there is a good chance your target audience will start paying attention to what you have to say.

For a job seeker you can put the word out, search for help, contacts, companies and more. Right now, I am still learning and will share more once I am completely comfortable with all the benefits and uses of Twitter.

Try twittering today or sending me a quick hello.

Shine On fellow twitterers,
