Monday, March 23, 2009

Is your glass ½ full or ½ empty?

Today has been pretty slow – but Monday is often a quiet phone and new-client day with Tuesday usually making up for it. If I were a ½ empty kind of gal, I would be pretty bummed because I haven’t had one person seal-a-deal today. Thankfully, I am blessed with a ½ full glass and I really try – and sometimes it does take effort, to find something good in every day and every circumstance.

Even though I haven’t had any new work come in so far today, I did receive a referral from another writer this morning and will hopefully get started working with the new client this week. I’ve tweeted on with some awesome new friends. Heard from one woman who just won an iphone ipod from a contest online! Got an email earlier from a client that has an interview this afternoon. Chatted briefly with my girlfriend this morning and have an interesting and exciting project that will begin tonight with our first meeting.

Many things aren’t going great in my life, as there are always struggles and issues in all our lives. I know they are there and I must deal with them, but I choose not to dwell on them. I will continue to focus on the positive and good things in life. Is my head stuck in the clouds…I hope so! I work hard to keep my attitude grateful and positive and hope I radiate that when talking and working with others.

How do you see your glass? Try saying your “thankfuls”.

My family said “thankfuls” during dinner every night when my kids were growing up. We still say them but not as often (I think I’ll get us back into the habit!). We go around the table and each person has a chance to say 2 “thankfuls”. It was a great way to teach my kids the importance of being thankful for the good going on in their lives no matter what bad may be going on as well. It taught ways to stay positive and opened up the dinner to endless wonderful conversations.

If dinner doesn’t work, get a notebook and write down 5 “thankfuls” every night. It seems hard at first but it will quickly become hard to keep your gratitude limited to just 5.

PS. Shine on and feel free to share your “thankfuls” with me…I’d love to hear them!

1 comment:

  1. I love this post. It is so true. No matter what kind of a day you think you SHOULD be having, when you really look at all the small joys in it, then it becomes a good day.

    Thanks for the great post!
